
NIIPAV is committed to making our website usable by all people, regardless of ability.

Assistive technology to meet your needs

Though many documents and applications on this site are accessible to machine-reading devices, some
legacy documents and applications are not. Our efforts to retrofit and/or upgrade non-accessible
information are ongoing.

The site has been created to be usable as it is. To maximize access to our website, visitors can customize
computers to suit their individual needs – for example: screen readers, changes in color-scheme, or font
size increases.

Limitations of our site’s accessibility

While we’ve done a lot to ensure this site’s accessibility, you may find some limitations:

While we aim to communicate as clearly and concisely as possible, some articles may require a
reasonable level of technical understanding due to the complexity of our company.

This website was developed and is maintained using World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines for
accessibility. The site has not been fully user-tested by individuals with disabilities.

If you are experiencing difficulties accessing information, or would like additional information on this
site, please contact us. All constructive feedback regarding the accessibility or usability of this website is
welcome and will be carefully considered.